US, 05 May 2024 – The Golden Flask is a high-end synthetic Urine Kit from ALS labs is the newest addition to the market of fake urine, and is offered only on the internet.
This unisex urine is ideal for play, science experiments and other pranks using urine Additionally, it can pass standard urine tests, like screenings for pre-employment effortlessly.
It is the Golden Flask synthetic urine kit was carefully designed in order to recreate the structure, appearance, and chemical properties of actual urine. Its creator, ALS is a reputable company that has a long fourteen-day return period and excellent customer help services. This makes the product an ideal way for you to pass drug tests even without providing a valid specimen. It’s ideal for people who want to pass the test without providing a sample; similarly useful during wet sports and avoiding detection during tests.
It is equipped with a bladder bag preloaded with 3.5 an ounces synthetic urine, free of chemicals, two eight-hour thermal pads, a thermometer strip and a instructions manual. This kit is quite realistic but easy for use. This makes it the most popular choice for completing drug screenings.
WHIZZINATOR is among the best-rated products that can help you pass the physical tests of DOT with a good chance of passing an urinalysis. Also, this test solution is an excellent solution for employees, athletes and any other person who needs to pass quickly. The best option is to click here, or go to our official website to find out more about WHIZZINATOR .
Ease of Use
The synthetic urine is able to have the identical pH balance, creatinine levels, and weight as human urine. That makes it suitable for wet-sex enthusiasts as well as calibration of equipment for drug testing for calibration purposes. It does not contain any adulterants or harmful substances.
This Golden Flask comes equipped with an easy-to read temperature strip and heat activator powder for heating specimens to appropriate temperatures as needed, and making usage of only one heating pad much more manageable rather than utilizing multiple single use heating pads that could fail to perform their task.
The Golden Flask may be new to the marketplace, but it’s quickly establishing itself as an incredibly authentic urine-like product. Although its shelf life is lengthy, to get the best results, it must be used within 24hrs of taking the cap from its container and stored away for use later. Also, it’s a handy, easily concealed flask for personal use!
Golden Flask pre-mixed synthetic urine accurately represents clean human urine, in terms of its smell, feeling, and chemical characteristics. Its formula includes uric acid as well as creatinine, urea and other important constituents that are found in the human urine. also, it’s regulated for the pH and specific gravity as well as various other parameters to make the simulation is to be as authentic as is feasible.
WHIZZINATOR kit includes a 4-ounce sample bottle, a temperature strip, two heated pads that accurately increase the synthetic urine to a precise body temperature range between 94-100 degrees. The kit also includes a urine sampler with top cap flipper for ease of transport while you test. an open-top cap for samplers and two heat pads which give you a detailed measurement of the synthetic urine.
Since unsupervised drug tests are becoming more frequent, having a trusted synthetic urine kit on hand can provide peace of mind that testing won’t put your career or future in danger. Kits that are reliable serve as an insurance policy against unexpected threats that could jeopardize either.
Quick Luck is a new product by Clear Choice, makers of multiple synthetic urine solutions designed specifically to aid in the passing of drug tests. It is an easy and affordable product that provides over 4 inches of toxin and disease-free synthetic urine that looks and smells just like human urine. It also comes with organic thermal pads, a readable thermometer and cotton detachable belts needed for passing any drug test flawlessly! This premium product comes ready-made.
Contrary with other synthetic urine-based products, which require you to heat water on their own in order to apply heat pads over the bottles, this top-rated fake pee comes premixed. In addition, it contains heat activator powder that can swiftly and discretely increase its temperatures to the ideal level.
This product of synthetic urine must be placed in a freezer quickly to allow for the long term storage. But defrosting should be handled with care as it can affect its chemical components and make it fall short of a positive drug test. It is also one of the most costly synthetic urines that are available, costing more than $100.
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